
HASA Surfing Awards Banquet...Hawaii is Family!

Surfing is such an individual sport. But in Hawaii, family is very important. Not just cheering for your own family, but cheering for other families. ANd in turn, you get one big, happy family! Here is part of our surfing crew in Hawaii. After 3 long days at the beach watching the kids rip 3 foot perfect Bowls (which is like 6 foot faces), we all came together at Tom Moffett's restaurant in Waikiki! It was amazing. After the banquet, we hung out, no one wants to leave each other! The parents were having more fun then the kids!

We all cheer for each other's kids like as if it were our own. That is what makes our life so special. All these wonderful people surrounding us, is like an anchor of security, to our soul. Every kid here knows they are loved, supported, and watched over by all the other parents. Blessed lives....and they don't even know it because it is natural to them. Are they extra grateful for this? Probably not yet. And that is okay. It is their day to dayness. Because they are given a strong foundation for their future that money, fame, and intellect cannot buy. One day they will look back and understand how good their childhood really was.

I am so thankful for all you little grommets in my life. You fill my heart with joy when I watch you surf and play. You parents and friends, make surfing more than a sport. It is life. We can count on each other to be there to cheer for one another, and to lean on in our time of crisis. You love my children with your heart, encourage them with your words, exhort them when they need, and I am utterly grateful. All my love...

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