
Our First Grand-daughter....

Aaron and Corrine Gold.... When Aaron was 13, he used to come over and play with Micah, our oldest, who was 5 years old. Sis was 4, Isaiah was 3, Josh was 1 and Seth just born. Aaron would come over every day after school and then was a household fixture. Aaron became our oldest son. He could take care of all 5 children, keeping them in line, changing diapers, feeding them, and loving them as any mom would wish an older son would come out. Now, Aaron will have his own child... a little girl in the oven and an amazingly beautiful wife. In Hawaii, you would say that he is our "hanai" son. Hawaiian ways was if you took a child as yours, he was your "hanai". Being that... I will have a granddaughter in May! Sister was so cute because on our way to the baby shower she told me, "Mom, I am going to be a legitimate Aunty!" (In Hawaii, all the children call any adult, "aunty... or uncle...") My soul is longing to hold this baby in my arms!!!!!

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