
Our amazing crew... You can't find better then these.

I am so proud of our crew.  We are Faith Surf School and these amazing humans are the ones that take care of our students and give them the best experience in this amazing place.  We are a team, we are family, and we are friends.  We enjoy and appreciate each other which in turns makes it a wonderful place to work and share our passions.  Love you my crew!!!


MoLangley said...

Your best resource for surfing tips will be a friend who surfs, every surfer was a beginner at one point and will be able to give you tips which will shorten your learning curve and help you from making many first time beginner mistakes.

Orange County Surfing

Unknown said...

This looks like a great surf crew! My parents grew up surfing. I want to become better at it and take my husband with me whenever I go out. I can't wait to get started. http://www.costa-rica-surf-adventures.com/surf_camp.html