Our youngest son, Seth, has surfed his last "MENEHUNE" event! For the last 8 years, we have entered our children in the Rell Sunn Menehune Surfing Champ. in Makaha!! Slowly, one by one, grew too old to surf it. YOu have to be 12 and under to surf this event. There are diffferent age divisions and 3 different overall divisions: surfing, longboard, and bodyboard. Seth has won every Rell event since he started, in the shortboard event. Well this year, he came short and in the finals placed 2nd. Not bad! And in the longboard event he placed 1st! He is an amazing little guy...amazing surfer, amazing heart, but still irratates his brothers everyday! Many pro surfers have come from the Rell event, so take a good look at these faces! This may be worth a lot of money later! ;)
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